Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Session Bookings

Summer is flying away fast! I cannot believe we are at the end of July! Geez! I decided to put a reminder out to anyone wanting a summer session, and with that, the summer special pricing. As of today, these are the dates available. Some of these dates are "on hold" but waiting for confirmation. Please let me know if you would like to book any of these dates, or if you have any questions by clicking here. Remember every session can be as unique as you and your family would like it to be. Also note that all outside sessions during the summer months start in the evening (around 5:00 pm) or, less popular, really early in the morning (6:00 am), since at these times we can get the most flattering light Alabama has to offer! I am more than willing to do a shoot in the morning, but most clients prefer the evening slots.

August 2nd
August 10th
August 23rd *** Booked ***
August 30th
August 31st

For more information, visit my website:

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