Saturday, July 19, 2008

Beautiful Saturday Morning

Today we woke up and went to have breakfast at Whole Foods... it was soooo yummy! Their french toasts rock! Afterwards we went to the Pepper Place Market... again... Since I have taken so many photos of flowers at the market I decided to not take any more... but I could not control myself so I had to take a couple. Oh, you guys have to check out the "Master of Fire" Sam Cornman. He is a glass artist and he does amazing things for a very reasonable price. Check out his photo below. I also posted a photo of his ornaments (Basically, what my fam is getting for Christmas). I could not find his website (I don't even know if he has one) but I found some info about him from last year's Artwalk at He's at the market every Saturday! Go check him out! Let's support the local artists!

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