Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Home for the Holidays

This year we celebrated Christmas by ourselves for the first time ever. Just the four of us Booths. I was a little saddened and excited about doing this. Sad because we would of course miss our families, a little scared because I didn't know if we were "grown up" enough to do our thing without the elders leading the way, and also excited to start our own traditions and just do "our" thing!

We ended up having a wonderful Christmas! Nothing too fancy, kept it pretty simple. Lots and lots of Christmas movies, hot cocoa, marshmallows, popcorn, throws, comfy pajamas and slippers, tons of carols on Pandora, eggnog (more specific Ponche Crema which is like eggnog but the Latin version which has lots of rum!), champagne, pumpkin pie, 24 hours of A Christmas Story and the best part: my two beautiful, sweet girls and my amazing husband who I got to share every moment with.

Christmas is gone and I miss it already! Can't wait for next year! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season as well and I wish you an amazing 2012!

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